2023 Showreel

Google - zeitgeist
Zeitgeist 2023 is a private event created by Google

Google Workspace - Hook
To help viewers understand the value of GWS, and educate them on the power of Gemini for Google Workspace. Produced by Hook

Netflix "We The People" - BUCK
Made in collaboration with the Obamas and Netflix, "We the People" is a Schoolhouse Rock-inspired musical anthology series. Produced by BUCK

Nike Unexpected Running Conversations - BUCK
Nike pairs artists with athletes’ stories to create inspiring content for the NYC running community. Produced by BUCK

Vans Checkerboard Day
Vans Checkerboard Day is a global celebration of creativity. Produced by GrandArmy

Amazon Lips - BUCK
A pair of animated lips sings an a cappella version of an artist’s single. A Voice is All You Need: Chance the Rapper "Sun Come Down". Produced by BUCK

Let's! Revolution! VFX design - BUCK
Visual Effects design/ animation for Let's! Revolution! game development. Produced by BUCK

FX American Horror Story - B&T
Apocalypse - Teaser/Concept/Design/Animation for AHS Season 8. Produced by BLOCK & TACKLE studio

History "Watergate" - B&T
Title card design for Watergate - a TV documentary series. Produced by BLOCK & TACKLE studio

No Kid Hungry - BUCK
Help kids find food during this difficult time. Produced by BUCK

FX CAKE Interstitial - Season 4
Short animated series served as interstitials for FX CAKE

Venmo retainer - BUCK
Venmo introduces new features to help customers spend smarter this holiday season. Produced by BUCK.

Google Maps: There's More To Explore - BUCK
We're celebrating the 15th birthday of Google Maps with a new look and features.
Produced by BUCK

Rocket League - BUCK
Rocket League and Major League Baseball team up to bring you official MLB customization items. Produced by BUCK

MTV ID for the Alone Together campaign promoting mental health during the quarantine. Produced by Something Savage

The Walking Dead - B&T
Title card pitch for The Walking Dead S9. Produced by BLOCK & TACKEL studio

Facebook Staytopia - BUCK
Staytopia was a project aimed to help people go through the drastic changes that inevitably happened in the beginning of 2020.
Produced by BUCK.

Hulu 2019-2020
Hulu holiday commercial. Produced by BUCK